Restored livestock productive capacity - Sveral Projects
Implementator : Land O´ Lakes
Implementation period: 2011 - 2014
Land O 'Lakes is a contractor and implementer of many projects in the agricultural sector formulated by the American agency USAID. In Zambia, they have been working in the field of support of small farmers by providing them animals and they create conditions for the use of their products in local markets, and also for the purchase of food businesses. This was realized, for example, by the construction of milk collection centers in which customers could go to, or the centers provided a milk van. The farmer did not have to go to the market only with a few litres. In this context, close cooperation was established with the PPP, GART (Golden Walley Agriculture Trust) which provided the animals. Thanks to good knowledge of the environment our team was involved in these activities especially in saritarines of purchased commodities and acceptance and guarantee of health of pregnant animals that were distributed.